
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

There Are Stars

(Hurray! She left her contact info in a comment.)
By Annee Atkinson

I feel I need to apologise to the girl I got this off of at the Birmingham Zine Festival, because I don’t remember her name. I wish I remembered it because she made one of the strangest (and coolest) looking zine things I’ve ever seen. Look at it (caution! Scary, low-quality webcam video of me ahead):

I have no idea how this works. It is magic to me. Also, my hands look huge!

My only complaint, and in reality it isn’t a complaint at all but an idea as to how this could be even more awesome, is that there isn’t a narrative in the art. “There are stars” comes the closest, in that it says that and shows people looking at stars. I’m imagining a story told on one side, and then when it’s flipped to the other, and the pieces of art are in slightly different orders and orientations, you could do some Alan Moore level storytelling and have it tell something different.

Still, that’s an incredibly minor thing, and the three sides of this are enough to astound me. Now if only I knew who made and could tell you how to get hold of one.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Erm, I made this.
    My name's Annee Atkinson, I must have swapped it for your passport zine at birmingham?

    Thanks for your nice words, I'm one of Ultrahorse -! (Same person who did the foot giving fashion advice that was comprehensible)

    You're right there isnt a narrative really - it's more an expression of stuff from my brain!
    They're available at and there's pics on there of what each side should look like so you can see if you're doing it right.
    Instructions of use on the blog soon!


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