
Monday, October 11, 2010

Peach Melba #15

By Pearl
PO Box 74

Pearl is the most prolific zinester I know, releasing a new issue of Peach Melba every month. Sure they’re not that long, and only consist of one page, but she’s still releasing these things faster than I can review them. Not bad for a 13-year old.

This is the newest issue (unless Pearl already has the October issue finished), and as usual it is filled with the lists common to all issues of Peach Melba. My favourite, which made me laugh out loud when reading it, is “Punchlines in jokes: mostly unfunny”. Completely genius, I don’t even need to know the lead up to figure out what a jellyphant is.

This was the issue Pearl had ready for the Birmingham Zine Festival, coming up from Brighton because the Festival happened to be the same time as the Green Party Conference and she was able to go to both. Pearl threw herself into finding out where things were in Birmingham and how she could get between them. There’s a quiz about what streets things are on, and what buses she had to take to get between them that leaves my knowledge of Birmingham in the dust. Though is Birmingham really “up north”? England is weird.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, but if you grew up on the South Coast, EVERYWHERE counts as Oop North, unless it's Cornwall. Secretly my definition of North starts at the Thames.


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