
Friday, February 18, 2011

Peach Melba #18

By Pearl
PO Box 74

Since this issue of Peach Melba features ads for it, I figure this is a good time to promote the Brighton Zine Fest! Which is happening this weekend!

I went last year and had a really awesome fun time. I got lots of exciting zines, met lots of rad people, and maybe drank too much. I'm looking forward to going again this year. I will have lots of zines for trade! You can trade me pretty much anything (good trades I've gotten in the past include an orange and batteries).

Anyway, onto this issue of Peach Melba. Featuring lists! Oh so many lists. Lists about how to describe a grey hole punch ("respectable", "ordinary"), words describing Libdems before the election ("mediocre", "so-so"), things to do if you can't sleep ("listen to the wireless"), and a huge lists of different types of crisps.

For those not in the UK you will not understand the variety and weirdness of crisps (chips) here. These are not weird in the East Asian "squid" or "banana" flavour chips, but weird in that there are some called "Monster Munch" (which are amazing). Anyway, because of this I have decided to, in the fine tradition of Sugar Needle, make my own zine where I try lots of flavours of "weird" (to foreign me) chips. Check it out this weekend! Or email me ( if you want a copy. Click here to see the cover and some other info.

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