
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Peep Show 2011

By lots of people
More info

If there is one question that I have asked more than any other this year it is “is this a zine?”. After a year I have decided that the answer is “Yes, if I bother to review it on my blog”.

And thus, this calendar! It was created by twelve different female cartoonists associated with the Centre for Cartoon Studies. Each of them has drawn another cartoonist in a pin-up style. Some of the artist have chosen to represent specific things related to the month, while others have gone the route of representing certain aspects of their models’ personalities. And some even feature references to specific pin-up artists!

The art is generally of a fairly high quality, and it’s interesting to see how the artists represent each other. I was a little disappointed by the calendar part though, while it does include (incredibly important) dates such as Canada Day (shame on you for not knowing when it is), I thought it would have been more amusing to include more random holidays. Or alternatively they could have gone the comic book route and listed creators’ birthdays and the dates when certain comics came out. Oh well, you can’t have it all.

In response to this calendar a group of boys at the CCS made their own beef-steak calendar. You can find more information about it here and here.

(Colleen Frakes as drawn by Lena H. Chandhok.)

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