
Monday, January 10, 2011

Contest Time!

You may have noticed that I didn't update the site over the weekend. I'm just feeling a bit burnt out at the moment, I've been sick, and I'm going on holiday tomorrow. The site will return soon though, and in the meantime you can enter the amazing contest I'm holding.

A contest! How exciting! To celebrate the aniversary of my blog, the fact that someone just sent me zines that I am specifically not allowed to review, and the (approximately) 365 reviews I've written in the last year I am giving away lots of zines!

How many zines? 36.5 zines!* At least! Maybe more!

All you have to do is email me ( the answer to the following questions and I will pick one out to be the grand prize winner, and several who will receive runner up prizes.

1. What's your favourite zine? (Include contact info if you know it.)

2. Have you ever gotten/read a zine because you read a review of it on this site? (Let me know which one!)

That's it! Seriously! Send me the answer to those two questions and your address and you've entered the contest.

Final date for submissions: January 24th (two weeks from now!)

Grand Prize: 36.5 zines from the huge pile of zines I've reviewed over the last year. Some good, some bad. You'll get a mixture of zines specially selected just for you.

Runner up prize(s): I have no idea yet, you'll get something good.

Please tweet, blog, and otherwise promote this contest!

Small print: This contest is open to everyone in the world (except maybe my brother) because I'm sick and tired of contests that won't ship to me because I don't live in some specific country. I reserve the right to ship by slow boat though. One entry per person, don't try to game the system! The grand prize winner will be chosen at random, not sure about runner ups, so if you want to send me awesome drawings, or poems about why zines are great please go ahead.

*Yes, I have worked out how I've giving out 0.5 of a zine, trust me.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.