
Saturday, October 2, 2010


You should all follow me on twitter. @tomorrowboy01 (This is a scientific experiment!)

Another month done! I'm back on track for updating every day, though I seem to have screwed up my alternating zine/minicomic schedule. We shall see if I can get that going again this month.

The Birmingham Zine Festival happened a few weeks ago, and I do not think I have had such a rollercoaster of emotions in quite some time (a date! alcohol! being attacked and mugged in a park! the festival is awesome! girl from date invites me for a drink and introduces me to her boyfriend! dancing!).

Oh my goodness! I just realized it's October! That means I should try and find all my spooky, horror, monster zines to review because it is almost Halloween! One of the most exciting days of the year (and for which I have no plans or costume *sob*). What are you favourite "scary" zines?

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