
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Peach Melba Issue 13

By Pearl
PO Box 74

Okay, so the “point” of this site is to write a review of a zine or minicomic everyday for a year (which I have failed to do already). But the real reason I started doing this site was so that I would actually read the huge pile of zines that had piled up. So far it hasn’t worked so well; a quick look at my “pile o’ zines” indicates I have over fifty I still have to read, plus more that haven’t even been put into that pile yet.

Pearl really isn’t helping me much by putting out a zine every month. I mean, I’ve got several issues I haven’t gotten around to reviewing and new ones keep appearing in my mail box. Not that this is a bad thing (I really like Peach Melba), but I guess I’m realizing that this site may never end, and wondering if I should just spend a week reviewing all of the issues of PM I haven’t read yet. Plus she’s making me look like a slacker when it comes to putting out my own zines.

This issue of PM’s got lists of alcoholic drinks (someone just turned 13...), biscuits (I have no idea what some of these are, and to be honest I still always think of my cat when I hear that word, plus ‘hobnob’ is listed twice), people who wear fluorescent jackets, square numbers (yay math!), things that feature in tongue twisters (“the sea”), and more!

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