
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Now Then

By Steve Larder

Considering how much I enjoy Steve’s Rum Lad comics, I’ve always been a bit disappointed by his other comics. They’re clearly very different beasts, and I wonder if I was reading them just as “comics” and not as “comics by that guy who does autobio comics I really like” if I’d like them more. Hmm...

Anyway, this one features a bird of some sort, a lawn gnome, and a clock and the adventures they have! Flying! Swimming! Smashing! Falling! It’s all there, though possibly not as exciting as I’ve just made it out to you. I think that ultimately my problem with this (and some of Steve’s other comics) is that they’re very light weight stories, there’s no (or at least not much) meaning to them other than what’s on the page and they’re not designed to make you think, just amuse you for a couple of minutes. I guess you could say the same thing about Rum Lad, but I still like it better.

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