
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Growing Resistance #1
Nova Farm
2410 E. Cherry St.
Seattle, WA

While this may be the worst folded zine I have ever seen, the contents are far more exciting. Guerrilla gardening! Everybody loves that right? I do at least.

The contents cover information about the Nova Farm, general info on gardening, poetry, and hand drawn maps (I could read a zine entirely about those I think). I will say that I think this zine is more “inspiring” than “useful” (at least to me). The information on composting seems to need some sort of previous knowledge of that sort of thing, and while I love that they list several secret gardens in Seattle, they’re not really places I’ll be checking out any time soon.

Still, some of the general guerrilla gardening stuff is good, and they do give a list of books to check out if you’re interested in gardening, food sourcing, and permaculture. Hopefully some day I’ll have a garden of my own to try some of those things out, or at least the desire to do it in someone else’s garden.

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