
Monday, May 31, 2010

Queenie #2

By Rachel Lindan

I met Rachel through the We Make Zines ning, and we were both super excited to discover another zinester living so close together. We’ve hung out a couple of times (museum trips, parks, scrabble!) and, to be perfectly honest, I feel kind of weird reviewing a zine that I helped photocopy. (Not this exact copy, it was printed on Rachel’s printer, but we had a photocopying “date” and I showed her how to use the copiers and rearrange the flats for this issue so they copied more easily.)

In addition to living in a kind of terrible part of England, Rachel and I share a sense of depression and social anxiety. It’s nice to read or talk about experiences like these, but it's nice to know that you’re not completely alone.

So what’s actually in the zine? Stuff about music Rachel likes (she really likes Manic Street Preachers, you should email her if you like them), the recent UK election, Shaun the Sheep, and her guinea pigs (who she calls “peoplefeets”, which implies they get stepped on a lot).

It’s just too bad the cover couldn’t be in colour, because it looks really nice that way.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel is such a sweetheart! I've got both her Queenie zines and she wrote such a lovely letter recently. Adorbs.


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