
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A to Z Issue One: Sweet Tooth

By Vickeh

In an effort to fight off the bad influence this zine is having on me I am currently eating a salad. After that I will do some sit ups because just reading this zine makes me feel fat.

This zine is filled with an entire alphabet of pictures of tasty desserts! It is very cute. There’re lots of different candies and puddings and stuff. I’ve baked like six of the things in here, which makes me feel super accomplished. I think I’ve also eaten everything in here, which is kind of horrifying. (Are parma violets the same as rockets?) Are xylophone cakes real? Could I make one?

The cover suggests that you can colour the pictures in, but you don’t have to do that, you can just admire them. I just spent way to long colouring in a comic for a friend, so instead I will colour in one of the healthier pages. Kiwis are yum.

Note: I do not condone eating Kit Kats.

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