
Friday, March 19, 2010

The Robot Zine

By We Are Words and Pictures

Robots? And comics!? These are two of my favourite things! To be brutally honest, I will probably put up with any old crap to be exposed to robots (robots!) because they are so rad and clearly my life goal, however the comics collected here are actually good! Super bonus.

The first comic is done entirely with captioned photos, and clearly I should start using this method to make my own comics. No drawing skills necessary! It’s a first person tale about a robot, and the style and way the dialogue is presented (in narration boxes, but surrounded by quotation marks) makes it seem like it’s adapting a song by some tweei indie band or Looper.

“My robot doesn’t need a vast memory / Nor does it need to be fast / My robot does not need to be the latest model / Just as long as my robot works / But my robot does need to have one thing, above all... / My robot must have a heart.”

(I even googled it and it’s not an actual song. You should clearly record it.)

The second strip is kind of brutal (if you dislike violence against innocent robots) and made me go “oh no!”. Sure it ends with a “hurray”, but I still felt sad at the end.

The final comic is about a robot at a party and kind of feels like every time I’ve ever gone out. Robot sees cute girl, girl is like “yeah, we can dance I guess”, robot goes home with girl, girl hits robot with baseball bat, girl does horrible things to robot. Why must you be so cruel to robots girl? Why?

Despite all the robot sadness and destruction this is totally worth picking up. Robots! Comics! Alcohol!* What is not to love?

*Okay, that might just be that I am currently drinking. Shhhhh.

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