
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Month One: Complete!

So January is over and I successfully posted a review every day. Go me! How long can I keep this up? Hopefully until I run out of zines (several months from now) at the least.

What else (zine wise) did I accomplish this month?

I wrote a piece of fiction for a group zine some friends are making called "The Other Wo/Man" about being the "other person" in relationships. The zine's not finished, so I haven't even seen a copy.

I finished Oblast #2, the new issue of my zine about a bicycle trip I took last summer form Vancouver, BC to Portland, Oregon for the zine symposium I went to there.

I made a bunch of artist trading cards and then traded them.

I sent mail to some people and, even better, got some back!

I completely failed to work on any of my own zine projects as all my writing time was taken up by this site. I guess I just need to read fewer websites.

Though about choosing my favourite zine and minicomic from those I reviewed in January. But so difficult!

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