
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Amber the Arsonist #14

Amber the Arsonist #14
By Rebecca
P.O. Box 1582
Piscataway, NJ

This was a quickie zine made on the day of the New Jersey zine fest a few years ago. Rebecca goes to Pittsburgh with her (now ex-) girlfriend and seemingly everything that can go wrong does. It takes ten hours (instead of four) to drive there because of a snow storm closing down the highway. She can’t find anything to eat. Everything is closed both that night and the next day. They get lost and can’t find her ex’s friends’ house. They fight. They freak out. They’re asked if they love each other by a different friend of the ex, which seems like an incredibly awkward question.

It seemed like a pretty terrible trip. But I, and probably most other people, can relate, and it’s nice to read about something like this presented with this much honesty. Still, two backpacks and a duffel bag worth of luggage? For a two night trip? I will never understand girls.

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