
My Zines

In addition to reviewing lots of zines I also make my own. Here are some I've made since I started this blog. Send an email to if you're interested in getting any. I love trading/swapping!

Область | Oblast
1. A Fable (December, 2009)
2. A Bicycle Trip – Vancouver, BC to Portland, Oregon (January, 2010)
3. A Ghost Story (May, 2010)
3.5. A collection of pieces printed elsewhere and nowhere (February, 2010)
4. Laos
5. The Last Ten Videos I Watched on YouTube (April, 2010)
6. The Adventures of Clare Lane
7. tenpointfour
8. The First Midlands Zine Meetup (May, 2010)
9. The 2010 Eurovision Song Contest Finals Are On Tonight (May, 2010)
10. Tuck Turn: Adventures in Lindy Hopping – Includes 10.5 a pull out mini-guide to lindy hop music and movies (October, 2010)
11. Places I have Slept January 1st - August 28th, 2011 (August, 2011)
12. Potato Maze: Crisps/Chips Reviews (February, 2011)
13. Ten More Videos I Watched On YouTube (August, 2011)
14. Potato Maze 2 (Probably never going to happen, read issue 15 to see why!)
15. Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth (July, 2012)
16. The Roberts Street Casual Gaming Federation 2011-2012 Yearbook (January, 2012)
17. The Halifax Casual Gaming Federation Annual 2012-2013 (December, 2012)
18. Two Fisted Librarians #1 (June, 2013)

24 Hour Zines
1. The Halifax Comics Jam: Summer 2012 (August, 2012)
2. DCAF Sticker Passport (August, 2012)

1. (over)heard in a library (July, 2013) Collaborative zine made at the Zine Pavilion at the American Library Association conference.

Also my page on the webmakezines.ning lists older zines I've made. Go have a look!